
Gustaf Hakansson

Serial Acquirers

The Operator-Allocator Spectrum

How can we justify benchmarking a CEO in a struggling industry against another in a thriving one?

n Industries – focused on best-in-class small industrials in the UK

“There is room in the market for a native UK champion of many of these great best-in-class established businesses…”

IPO of Next Generation Technology Group (NGTG) – Eiichi Arai Interview

"we designed our own value-creation playbook called NGTG Growth Program or “NGP” after the renowned Danaher Business System"

Pinecone – deploying the Swedish acquirer model in Japan

“The Swedish model addresses the shortcomings of the conventional private equity model in Japan”

Building the Australian serial acquirer

“I really liked the serial acquirer model and quickly realised there weren’t any Australian-based serial acquirers. So, I set up ‘The PieLAB Council Capital Fund’ as an Australian focussed serial acquirer."
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Chris Mayer
Author of 100-Baggers
PM & co-founder, Woodlock House Family Capital
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